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Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 29 , No. 2

[ Papers ]
Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers - Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 120-126
Abbreviation: J. Korean Soc. Manuf. Technol. Eng.
ISSN: 2508-5107 (Online)
Print publication date 15 Apr 2020
Received 19 Mar 2020 Revised 13 Apr 2020 Accepted 14 Apr 2020

교대 부양 욕창 방지 매트리스의 정량적 측정과 비교 방안
곽동기a ; 손동섭b ; 서갑호a, *

Objective Measurement and Comparison of Alternating Pressure Mattresses for Bed Sore Prevention
Dong-Gi Gwaka ; Dong-Seop Sohnb ; Kap-Ho Seoa, *
aInteraction Robotics R&D Division, Korea Institute of Robotics & Technology Convergence
bPlaning & Coordination Department, Korea Institute of Robotics & Technology Convergence
Correspondence to : *Tel.: +82-54-240-2501 E-mail address: (Kap-Ho Seo).

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Alternating pressure mattresses are generally used for bed sore prevention as they inhibit the formation of pressure ulcers. However, several alternating pressure mattresses do not provide sufficient information, such as their numerical pressure, making it difficult for consumers to compare products. In this study, we propose a method for the objective measurement and comparison of alternating pressure mattresses. We measure the body pressure using a body pressure distribution sensor and obtain different frames depending on the air pressure state of the mattress. The frames are categorized into three types depending on the pressure ulcer factor. Although the patterns, shapes, and count of the mattresses are alternating, this method aids in comparing the performance of various mattresses. Furthermore, this measurement and data processing method can be applied to bed sore cushions.

Keywords: Bed sore, Pressure ulcer, Alternating pressure mattress, Body pressure distribution sensor, Mattress comparison


본 연구는 산업통상자원부 산업기술혁신사업 ‘인공지능 기반 욕창 예방을 위한 자율형 침대 로봇 개발(20005004)’의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임.

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Dong-Gi Gwak

Assistant Researcher in Interactive Robotics R&D Division, Korea Institute of Robotics & Technology Convergence, Korea.His research interest are Intelligent robot control and Image processing.


Dong-Seop Sohn

Director in Planing & Coordination Department, Korea Institute of Robotics & Technology Convergence, Korea.His research interest are Robotics, Control & System.


Kap-Ho Seo

Director in Interactive Robotics R&D Division, Korea Institute of Robotics & Technology Convergence, Korea.His current research interests include system design/control/integration, rehabilitation robotics, disaster response robotics, and soft robotics.
