컴퓨터 비전 알고리즘을 기반으로 한 마이크로 드릴의 진직도 오차 측정
Microdrill machining is widely applied in various industries where structural design and material properties of the microdrill play a critical role during the machining. A composite microdrill composed of WC and polycrystalline diamond combines the wear resistance, toughness, and hardness properties of the cutting tool. However, composite microdrills are fabricated through complex processes which make them prone to geometrical errors. Hence, axial straightness error of microdrills was investigated in this study as a geometrical error. A computer vision algorithm was specifically developed for measuring the axial straightness error of the microdrill. Subsequently, the ability of the developed technique to perform precise and accurate measurement of tool geometrical errors was evaluated in this study.
Microdrill, Computer vision, Axial straightness error, Measurement systemAcknowledgments
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Professor in the Department of Nano Energy Engineering, Pusan National University.
His research interest is Tribology.
E-mail: dwoolee@pusan.ac.kr
Ph.D. student in the Department of Nano Fusion Technology, Pusan National University.
Her research interest is Application of artificial intelligence.
E-mail: nurfadilah249@gmail.com