인공신경망을 이용한 인콜로이 825 합금의 고온 변형 거동 연구
In this research, a constitutive study of the high-temperature deformation behavior of Incoloy 825 alloy was performed using an artificial neural network (ANN). For the study, a high-temperature compression test on Incoloy 825 was carried out on a Gleeble 3500 system at temperatures ranging from 950-1,150°C and strain rates of 0.2/s and 2/s. After the compression test, the study of the flow stress was conducted for various temperatures and strain rates. The flow stress variation during the deformation of Incoloy 825 was dependent on the deformation temperature and strain rate. The flow stress at various deformation temperatures and strain rates was modeled using the Hollomon-type equation. The constitutive behavior of Incoloy 825 during hot temperature deformation was modeled using an ANN.
Incoloy 825, High temperature, Compression test, Artificial neural networkReferences
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