탄소섬유복합재와 강재의 재질과 형상변화에 따른 구조부재의 압궤 특성
In the event of a vehicle collision, the kinetic energy of the colliding vehicles can cause sever injuries to the passengers if the vehicle body is too strong and the passengers bounced out of the vehicle due to inertia. If the vehicle body absorbs considerable collision energy, the passengers might get trapped inside, causing their death. Therefore, when a vehicle crashes, the structural members of its body must efficiently absorb the collision energy and secure space. In this study, a single hat-shaped cross-section member and a double-hat cross-section member has been used for the side member of an automobile that absorbs most of the collision energy during a vehicle collision event. Following the designing and manufacturing of the steel and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) material structural members, the axial collapse test was performed to investigate the collapse mode and energy absorption characteristics based on their shape and material changes.
Vehicle collision, Structural member, CFRP, Collision energy, Collapse mode, Energy absorption characteristicsReferences
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Master in the Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Chosun University.His research interest is Machine.
E-mail: scs@i-scs.com
Professor in the Department of Fire Safety, Donggang University.His research interest is Machine.
E-mail: cha7170@donggang.ac.kr