알루미늄 판재의 Tail Gate Hinge 부품 블랭킹 공정에서 버어 감소 및 융착 방지를 위한 급속 Air Cooling 금형기술
Aluminum alloy is different from high strength steel, which is a hard material. Cracks owing to insufficient elongation in the press forming process and shear stress repeatedly applied in the shear process cause aluminum particles fused to the material surface to fall. To eliminate these, a large waste of manufacturing time occurs due to additional processing operations. We developed a rapid air cooling shear mold with a vortex tube that can prevent fusing of aluminum material at the punch and die edges of the upper and lower molds. The goal was to solve the chronic burr problem by minimizing the thermal occurrence generated during shearing. In the blanking mold of Tail Gate Hinge parts, the temperature inside the mold increases owing to the heat generated during continuous press production. Cooling is possible in an actual mold experiment by applying a rapid air cooling system using a vortex tube.
Tail gate hinge parts, Electric vehicles, Rapid air cooling, Shearing, Aluminum alloy sheetsReferences
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Head Researcher, Gyeongbuk Hybrid Technology Institute. His research interest is Metal Forming Technologies for Automobile Parts.
E-mail: pdh@ghi.re.kr
Director in the Department of R&D Center, Samsungtech Co., Ltd. His research interest is Sheet Metal Forming for Automobile Parts.
E-mail: ltg1119@naver.com
Researcher in the Department of R&D Center, Samsungtech Co., Ltd. His research interest is Plastic Working for Automobile Parts.
E-mail: masculinjym@naver.com